Of course, when you move those linked files to a new computer, the path is always different, so the links must be corrected. In Office, links to documents include the complete path. OLE Links to other formats, like PDF, are simply not supported on macOS. This article mentions Excel, which I’ve used as an example, but the same advice is true for Word files linked to PowerPoint. If you haven’t hacked XML before, please read XML Hacking: An Introduction and XML Hacking: Editing in macOS.
(Please note, the Edit Links option only appears if you actually have a link in the open presentation.) Word and Excel for Mac already have utilities to fix links. If you have the Windows version, you can fix broken links by choosing File>Info, then clicking on Edit Links to Files in the right-hand column under Related Documents. This article is really just for PowerPoint for Mac users.
Here’s how to fix broken PowerPoint links with a one minute of XML Hacking. The links don’t work and you can’t fix them without redoing them. Someone sends you a presentation linked to an Excel file. If you’re relinking other object types, like images, audio or video, this article will allow you to create permanent relative, semi-relative and absolute paths. The directions below will allow you to re-establish a broken link, but when you update the linked file, PowerPoint will write an abolute path. It’s no longer possible to maintain relative OLE links (linked Excel and Word) in current versions of Office. Please note: Microsoft has modified the nature of OLE links.